Shares of mainland Chinese firms climbed even higher amid talk of heavy buying by institutions in China able to invest in Hong Kong. 那些投资香港股市的大陆上市公司的股价更是创了新高。
Heavy import duties discouraged Belgians from buying French wine. 巨额的进口关税减少了比利时人对法国葡萄酒的兴趣。
The Harvard and Yale endowments reported heavy losses last year, falling by about a quarter after investing heavily in illiquid assets, including private equity, which involves buying companies using a mix of bank debt and investors 'money. 哈佛大学及耶鲁大学捐赠基金去年均出现严重亏损,价值下降约四分之一。此前,两家基金曾大比例投资于非流动资产,包括涉及利用银行贷款和投资者资金收购企业的私人股本业。
A more specific election straw in the wind can be found in yesterday's heavy buying of steel shares. 昨天钢材股市上的股票被大量买进更明确地预示了大选即将来临。
Chinese companies are on "a heavy buying spree", targeting historic Italian brands that have fallen victim to the 2008-09 recession, says Angelo Colombo, a writer for Nautica and superyacht magazines. 为《nautica》和《超级游艇》(superyacht)等杂志撰稿的安吉洛科隆波(angelocolombo)表示,中国公司正掀起一场“收购大潮”,目标是在2008-09年经济衰退中受创的意大利悠久品牌。
Indeed, market flows throughout the week suggested heavy dollar buying by model and momentum-driven funds, suggesting much of the dollar's rally is technically induced. 事实上,从市场流通来看,有众多美元多头及趋势引导行为,表明反弹是受技术面影响。
Secondly, the heavy buyers are important in buying both non-food products and food products, and light buyers are only important in buying food products; 第二,大额购买者是购买非食品类产品的主体,同时在食品购买方面也很重要,而小额购买者在购买食品方面十分重要;